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BeaLu Books

One Chance

One Chance

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Author(s): Sarah Frank 

Sandy’s parents disappeared without explanation many years ago leaving her in the care of the not-so-nice Miss Evelyn. One day, Miss Evelyn informs Sandy that she is moving to an orphanage and transferring to a new middle school. This forces Sandy to face the fact that she is an orphan. Before moving, Sandy meets Brian who reveals the existence of the magical Stone of Discedo. The stone allows whoever possesses it to time travel and fix one thing in their life. One of the rules of the stone requires Sandy to correct three events that went wrong in history to change something in her past. Before Sandy, Brian, and the orphans can use the stone to find out what happened to Sandy’s parents, they are thrust into a world of threatening notes, robbery, and murder. When they do time travel, they are sent to Ford’s Theater, the Titanic, and Pearl Harbor. In the end, they are not able to fix all three events, leaving Sandy to wonder what happened to her parents. Sandy (and readers) are not left hanging for long because a teacher, Mr. David, steps in to tell his side of the story.

2020 Story Monsters Approved 2020 Story Monsters Purple Dragonfly Book Award – 1st Place Youth Author Fiction 2018 Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Awards in Juvenile Fiction Silver Medal

Hardcover ISBN: 9780999092408

Paperback / Softcover ISBN: 9780999092415

Ebook / Digital Edition ISBN: 

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